What do our clients say about us?

Bavaria Family Brewers commissioned Labolutions to replace their old QC laboratory (Quality Control) with a new, modern lab setup. The project included designing and realizing the new lab…

When Bi/ond transitioned from the initial startup phase, they chose to establish their laboratory facilities in the YES!Delft incubator. Labolutions supported the Bi/ond team throughout this process with our comprehensive...

Eurofins Proxy Laboratories
Labolutions began its collaboration with PROXY Laboratories by working closely with founder Ruud Santing and his new team of stakeholders. Over the years, Labolutions has supported the design...

IFF Dupont Genecor
Labolutions and its sister company Labs31 supported the Wesemann Group in the tender process for lab design and provided technical laboratory consultancy services. Labolutions and Labs31 also executed BIM REVIT digital...

Labolutions supplied part of the lab equipment for their laboratory, including a biosafety cabinet, an autoclave, and a custom-made large hotbox climate chamber to properly prepare samples...

Meatable is a pioneer in producing real meat without harm—change without compromise, combining the best of all worlds. For their research and development laboratories, Labolutions has provided lab solutions over the years...

Labolutions is the preferred supplier for Mimetas, delivering high-quality biosafety cabinets and laminar flow cabinets. The demanding clients of Mimetas, including major pharmaceutical companies and leading academic institutions...

Cotecna was founded in 1974 in Switzerland as a family business and has since grown into a world-class international player with more than 100 offices in approximately 50 countries. Today, Cotecna relies on...

ProLabNL is fully independent, both in ownership and technology, and focuses solely on testing services, ensuring clients' intellectual property rights are protected at all times. Labolutions collaborated on...

Nanomi Monosphere Technologies
Nanomi’s Monosphere Technology is a leader in the production and development of microspheres and nanoparticles for sustained-release drugs. The company has earned this unique position by focusing not only on...